This project consists of rebuilding the SE Ensign Wastewater Pump Station and site, which is a duplex sanitary sewer pump station, including demolition of the existing station and equipment, constructing a new duplex submersible pump system, control building, new manholes, a new wet well, pumps, piping and valve vault, replacing electrical, mechanical, controls, installation of a gas fired, auxiliary pumping unit, fencing, asphalt paving, maintaining bypass pumping during construction and performing final site trim-up. This work also includes the construction of a new core conveyance force main in three (3) segments. The first segment is from the SE Ensign Pump Station to the east side of the Skipanon River, the second segment is the actual Skipanon River crossing by HDD, and the third segment is from the west side of the crossing to the existing wastewater treatment plant connection.